Copley, Ohio |
In August, the Copley-Fairlawn community gathered to celebrate the completion of the long-awaited Copley High School Stadium Renovation. The renovation including a 15,590 SF field house, press box and stadium bleacher seating was completed on time for the 2024-2025 school year.

Students, parents and faculty enjoyed an exciting ribbon cutting event, the reveal of a Copley ‘C’ statue in front of the stadium entrance, and words from the Copley High School administration expressing their gratitude and excitement about the project’s completion.
Project management lead for the renovation, Chris Ciraldo, was invited to speak at the ceremony.

The project consisted of demolition to existing structures on the property, removal of outdated bleachers, and construction of the new field house, new bleachers, concessions, grand entrance, stadium lighting and more.

Summit Construction is proud to have provided CMR services for Copley High School, and for the opportunity to engage students from the Four Cities Compact in the process.
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